Release: 18 July
Last Edited: 21 July | 13:40
In June 2023, The Tech for Good Institute (TFGI), a Singapore-based institute that specializes in the intersection between technology, society, and economy, published its digitalization report of Southeast Asia titled “From Tech for Growth to Tech for Good: Shaping the Next Phase of Southeast Asia’s Growth through Sustainable Development”.
The report comes after the conduct of a month-long roundtable discussions throughout Southeast Asia from 15 February to 10 March. The roundtables were held in Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Hanoi, and Bangkok (SEA-6) in cooperation with partner organizations from the six ASEAN countries:
Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness of the Asian Institute of Management, Philippines (AIM);
MyDIGITAL Corporation, Malaysia;
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Singapore (IMDA);
Indonesia Financial Group, Indonesia;
Central Institute for Economic Management, Vietnam (CIEM); and
Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, Thailand (NXPO).
Amador Research Services provided technical and substantive support to TFGI in the organization and conduct of the cross-country roundtable discussions and in the preparation of the Special Report.
Published by TFGI, the special report on digitalization was commissioned by Asia Tech X Singapore. The report aimed to articulate the unique and varied desired outcomes of sustainable digital development and the key enablers that would shape the next phase of growth across SEA-6. Over 130 policymakers, investors, digital economy companies, institutions, and academics participated and contributed to the development of the report and more than 400 SEA digital economy companies were assessed for the project.
The report found that:
SEA-6 governments continue to prioritize digital transformation;
“Tech for Good” and sustainable digital development can enable quality growth;
Stakeholders in SEA-6 digital economies are ambitious for “Tech for Good”; and
Commitment, cooperation, coordination and co-creation is vital to enable “Tech for Good” across SEA-6.
The executive summary and the full report can be accessed on TFGI's website, here.